Flatbush Food Co-op

We were asked by a co-op consultancy (CDS Consulting Co-op) to collaborate as Flatbush prepared to launch its new patronage refund membership model. We started by helping them gather and assess, from the wide array offered by individual co-ops across the US, which benefits they would offer their members/owners. Then we helped them describe those benefits in both new member documents and a general member-owner brochure.

Friends of the Mississippi River

Starting with the creation of an icon for a new program that fits the style of their existing set of graphics, we have built the scope of our partnership with FMR during recent years. One of the key initiatives has been to simplify and unify elements of the brand identity that was created for them by another design firm. As an extension of that work, we have developed a 4 page report to stakeholders, a PowerPoint template, the 2017 anual report, and a font that complements the rough hewn style of their family of icons.


Midwest Food Connection

Midwest Food Connection's work in Twin Cities region schools to acquaint the next generations with the story of food—from the individual garden and kitchen to the global challenges and possibilities—is very close to our hearts. So, it's no wonder that we've derived a lot of sustenance from working with them on print publications for more than a dozen years. Here are two recent annual reports, brought to life by photos of students—who love everything about MFC—in the classrooms and on the farms.


Eastside Food Co-op

During a staff transition Eastside contacted us to help them put together their 2017 Annual Report and Board of Directors voter guide. In the process we had fun creating a set of infographics for their impact page.


Hope Community

After years of collaborating with Hope to create communications collateral they asked us to work with them to update their logo for their 40th Anniversary year. Initially, they wanted to retain the original design while ading a 40th Anniversary announcement. After a number of discussions and review of some exploratory sketches we agreed to create an updated logo that incoporates the existing colors and "arc" graphic. But, we saw an opportunity to make the name more prominent.


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